Some ladies are so
curious that beside their beauty, Intelligence, wealth and so on, why do they
still end up in relationship break-ups, WHY can't they have a long-lasting and
strong relationship? Do you ask yourself these questions? I think the fault is
yours and not that of your partner. These reasons will give you a sense of
realization and they will help you adjust..
1. Negative Thoughts
This is the most
deadly problems most ladies suffer. Are you the type that feels he no longer
loves you just because he doesn't call often? Or because he cancelled a date
just for one or two reasons not known to you and this makes you feel there's
another girl occupying him. My Dear you might be wrong! Just because he stops
calling doesn't mean he doesn't have you in mind. What if he is facing one or
two challenges but you won't know because your wrong guess has so eaten deep
into you that you won't even know when you break up with him, just because he
doesn't call, which would be very foolish of you because if you have not given
your negative thought a room in, you would have made attempts to call him to
check what the problem might be for not calling you. He will open up to you.
Please ladies,
if you don't know this let me break it down for you. Negative thought is an
evil spirit that feeds you with lies and in the end pushes you to do what you
are not suppose to do, and when you realize the damaging effect of what you
have done, that evil spirit abandons you and that's when you now notice that
you were not supposed to do it according to your negative voice, and it might
be too late to make amends in the end, if this applies to you, you better give
that negative thought a quick notice.
. 2. Looking At Others To Try To Make
Your Relationship Work
Just because
your girlfriend dangles a car key at your face telling you how her boyfriend
buys a brand new car as a birthday present every year for her, or your friends
are going on trips every week and you don't enjoy this, or You always see that
beautiful girl always everywhere with her man. All these don’t give you the
right to want your boyfriend to do same.
If you look at
others in life you become a photocopied version of the original copy this can
ruin your relationship greatly because you can't live the way others do.
They are living their own world and you are living yours, so always learn
to be grateful and appreciative to your partner and your partner should do
Learn to set standards
for yourself, enjoy every bit of your relationship as you and your partner go
through the good bad and the ugly, always be satisfied with your love life.Its better
to be an example to make people admire and envy you,than for people to set
examples for you.
3. When Your Relationship Seems Boring
Of a truth, a boring
relationship is like a human with a broken spinal cord,to make your
relationship work,you've got to have fun moment with your partner, men loves
vibrant and lively ladies. Include jokes that will make him laugh,be playful
around him,do annoying things that will make him scream out loud,pillow fight!
I love this one,but please don't play to the extent of hiding his document
oooo.. Nobody wants to experience a boring relationship coz its as good as dead-its
so not gonna work at all.
This is another very
strong strategy of getting your relationship firm,that would even make him cry
like a baby when he travels for business trips for like a week,coz girl! you
making him miss the playful girl that gave him a playful spank before he entered
that plane.. So girl if you experience boredom in your relationship I think its
time to go for some play practice.
4. Not
Using The "Okay Fine! I Admit It I Am Wrong" Statement When Necessary
Guys hate it when you
are wrong and you just wanna be right,this turns them off totally,My dear its
the gospel truth, I am not saying always admit you are wrong when an issue
comes up all I am saying is admit you are wrong when you know you are. Not that
claiming right when you wrong adds up to your bank account or beauty o,it will
only extend your relationship status to 3 more years or lead to a break up for
you Because he won't want to put a ring on your finger if you do this almost
all the time it will result to him being scared of you always doing the wrong
thing and claiming you right and this can lead him to his early grave.
Recommendations that holds couples together
Recommendations that holds couples together
5. No
Understanding of who you are Dating
Some ladies are just
so lazy that they don't even know and understand their partners and in the end
they end up having tons of argument which could lead to a daily routine if care
is not taken.
its is always
advisable that you know every thing about your partner,when I say everything
you, know what I mean,ask questions about his background,what he does coz
nobody wants a broke lazy man,ask about his worldview,what he likes and what he
hates, you should also be able to study him and so on and make him ask you too
and besides he's definitely gonna ask you except he doesn't have a goal in the
relationship. Getting to know each other helps you to know who you are dealing
with.This is one very strong key to securing your relationship coz if you guys
don't know each other then the compatibility is 0% because once you don't
understand him you cant know how real he is.
6. Laziness
Wow! I love this. Tell
me I'm not missing this out!’Dear I need this,Dear I need that,Dear I am broke’,mostly
Send me recharge card almost all the time just because your boyfriend happens
to be the presidents son you feel he's your ATM machine right? My dear he wont
only try by all means to avoid you,he will also break up with you and flush the
respect he has for you down the toilet because you will only make him feel you
love his money and not him. so please if you do this often stop it now!! Guys
loves hardworking ladies,they don't just love but respect them,some ladies say
when a lady has too much cash men will be scared to come their way,my dear its
pure lies being a hardworking woman scares men who are not worthy to ask them
out it takes a bold and intelligent buoyant man to make this move so change
that mentality now... No guy will settle for a lazy lady so the earlier you get
that the better for you!
7. No Respect
This is another very
good reason, some people call it "Red skirt" Nobody will want to be
in a relationship with one who has no respect for her partner or even anybody.
I believe respect should start from you,if you respect your self you will have
the ability to Also respect your partner.
Do you know you are dating the wrong person?
Do you know you are dating the wrong person?
8. Uncontrolled
Ladies who loves
constantly visiting their partner know this, especially that moment when you
visit your partner more than he visits you, i mean who does that??? You will
only loose your self worth and be labelled a pest because Nobody wants to be
bugged. You might do this constantly thinking you are doing your relationship
good,my dear you ain't doing it no good you ruining it. If you not in his
office,you at his home most especially when your visiting him is 70% and he's
is just 30 my dear you better check your visiting meter and adjust it
9. Pride!
Yes,you are
beautiful,even your mirror says that all the time,you are smart,you are wealth
and educated,all these are your qualities any one has but you get so proud just
because you have one or two unique qualities,are you the only beautiful girl in
the world? Let me give you the main fact,your beauty is nothing without your
brain,so use your brain to know that beauty don't last forever, but what makes
it last is your brain so use it well.
10. Bad
If you are a talkative
aka ‘Parrot Queen’, then you are a very bad listener.Your relationship can't
last if you are a garrulous talkative. Men respects ladies who talk less and
think more.
11. The God Is
Absent Relationship
How in anyway can you
expect your relationship to last when God is not included? Just tell me how? I
guess you have no answer!.
Any relationship without God in it is useless. Let me
give you a very big secret, by asking you this simple question who created you?
God did and he understands you more than your parents do and you do,when you
include God your relationship is on a solid rock my dear. Get that!
11 Signs That Your Relationship is in Trouble
Reviewed by harry
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