Bleeding gums is a clinical state where the gums
are swelling and bleeding when you brush your teeth or consume rough food. The
causes of bleeding gums are a vitamin deficiency, leukemia, scurvy, pregnancy
and many other types of oral infections. When your body is lack of vitamin C
and K especially children and adults living in third – world countries and
veloped places, your body has been exposed to higher risk of bleeding
However, do not worry so much since this
condition can be easily treated thanks to a variety of natural home remedies
available to you. These natural home remedies are easy and simple to follow
which can improve the dental condition within a week. If these treatments don't
work, you need to see a doctor as soon as possible.
The symptoms of bleeding gums include swelling
of the gums, persistent bad breath, redness and tender of the gums, foul taste
in the mouth, pus formation around the teeth and gum, loosening of the teeth,
blood in saliva and bleeding while brushing teeth.
First and foremost, salt gargling seems to be
the easiest and simplest method to think of when you experience bleeding gums
thanks to its anti – inflammatory, antiseptic and antiviral properties.
Mix some fine salt with a glass of lukewarm water
Use the solution to gargle several times a day
Dairy products like butter, cheese, yogurt, and
milk are packed with calcium which is a necessary mineral that can
significantly strengthen teeth. Also, those who consume dairy products like
butter, yogurt, milk, and cheese will be less prone to gum diseases than those
who do not.
Besides dairy products, you can opt for crunchy
foods such as carrots and celery both of which can improve your dental health
thanks to their crunchy factor. When you chew this food, your mouth will
produce more saliva to digest. Thus those leftover food and food particles will
be washed away.
Fresh fruits and vegetables provide your body a
variety of health benefits include minerals, vitamin and low in calories. And
these health benefits are also included when it comes to treatment of bleeding
gums as well. Consuming raw and fresh vegetables and fruits on a frequent basis
to improve blood circulation, inhibit bleeding gums and improve overall teeth
It is said that prevention is always better than
cure. So start brushing your teeth twice daily and flossing as well to keep
bleeding gum, inflammation and other types of oral infections at bay. Brushing
your teeth twice a day will help you to have white and shiny teeth. Thus, you
have a happy smile.
Aloe Vera is packed with many medicinal
properties include reducing inflammation and gum burning sensation.
• Cut a
fresh aloe vera gel and use the spoon to extract the pure gel
• Apply
it on the affected area and let it sit for a while before washing thoroughly
with water
• Mild
gum can be prevented by consuming and washing your mouth with a solution
containing natural aloe vera.
Also, aloe vera is another excellent home remedy for trigger
finger too.
This treatment is considered as one of the
simplest, easiest and most effective natural home remedies for bleeding gums
thanks to its incredible capacity of inhibiting bleeding gums and other types
of oral infections.
Take a little clove oil and apply the oil on the
affected area
Alternatively, take some clove leaves and chew
Though it might cause a slight burning
sensation, the inflammation will be reduced.
Consumption of herbs and oils can significantly
reduce the number of harmful bacteria and lessen the inflammation feeling
associated with bleeding gums and other types of oral infection. Lavender,
peppermint, red thyme, eucalyptus and cinnamon bark are highly recommended to
treat bleeding gums. They are said to reduce gum inflammation and plaque.
Hannah Hall has graduated Hanoi Medical University – the most famous university in Viet Nam. She worked as a staff nurse in Australia and Denmark where her main responsibility was patient nutrition manage. Now, she continues to take part in researchs related directly to nutrition and fitness. Also, sharing knowledge and writing are her particular passion. And she is now a major contributor in which provides plenty articles in natural home remedies.
You can contact her on facebook
7 natural home remedies for bleeding gums
Reviewed by harry
Thanks so much for the useful piece of information. Bleeding Gum happens a lot
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