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10 Types of Friends You will Come Across

Peer group is one of the key to success, A good friend can be a great blessing any human could receive from God... It's a blessing because it determines how far we go in life...  I once read in a book "The Enemy Called Average"

He said that at period of time he discovered that he was stagnant in life, so he looked at the inner circle of friends he keeps then he saw that there were also stagnant, then he decided to change friends...
So, you've to know the types of friends you keep...
In every areas of life, you'll come across different types of friends...  These 10 types are the most populous ones...

1. The Energy Booster: 

These people are always seeing good things in you... They are always lifting you up whenever you fall...
A friend like this is a gift from God, They serve as counsellor to you...  And make sure you're on the right track always...
If you have a friend like this, please keep them and appreciate every single effort they do to you...

2. The Classy Friends : These types of friends are common, Your presence with them is not valued, Even if they start discussing and you say something, they don't accept any of your view about matters... They make the rules and you follow without hesitating, you're always mindful of your behaviours whenever you're with them because you don't want to be disrespected or looked upon as a novice...
Any friendship which your views are not accepted is not worth you keeping, you'll gain nothing from it...
Look for a nice group of friends that accept your views...

3. The Freedom Friends: This is the most funniest types of friends you can ever have, in the midst of these friends, you are always your real self and you don't pretend wherever you're with them...
What you have become theirs, what they have becomes yours, you're not mindful of your behaviours with this types of friends, In fact, you do crazy things together...

4. The Demanding Friends: These types of friendship is a one sided friendship, these type of friends will always demand from you, but, will never give if you ask... If you're with this type of friend, the subject of discussion will always be about himself and he will never speak about you in your gathering...

5. The Broadcasters: These types of friends are gossipers, whenever you tell them a secret, it should be admitted that you'll hear it from other people... You shouldn't share any personal information with this types of friends because they may tell your enemies and even give them chance to get to you...
This types of people are not good to keep as friends, you can either leave them or never tell them any personal information about you.

6. The Bad Doings Promoter: These type of friends are always there for you when you want to do something bad, They won't talk you out of it, rather, they would assist you in doing it...

7. The Saviors : These people will always get you out of trouble, pay your debts, give you money, save you in a fight etc...
This types of friends are God sent and their effort should also be appreciated always...

8. The Negative Thinker: These types of friends are not good to have, they tend to speak discouraging words always, they love complaining and they never see positive things in situations, another name for this types of friends is "Idea Destroyer", when you tell them, "Let's do this, let's do that" they will always say ,"IT CAN'T WORK".
If you keep these types of friends and let them corrupt your own positive thoughts with their own negative thoughts, It'll be difficult for you to succeed...
So it's either you leave them or stop sharing ideas with them.

9. The Money Bag Friends : These people don't really need you, as they are not dependent on you... They don't ask how things are going on in your life, all they give you is money. They only need you just to keep their company whenever they want to have fun...
No man would want to leave the friends that gives him money.
Just make sure you know their source of income if it is legal or illegal. If it's illegal, please stop collecting money from them.

10. JESUS : All these friends that have been mentioned, which one of them can die for you??? NONE.
so, there is no friend like Jesus...

Don't forget, the type of friends you keep, determines how far you go in life...
Be selective in picking friends...
Thanks for reading.....

Written by Alade Taiwo. 
10 Types of Friends You will Come Across 
10 Types of Friends You will Come Across 10 Types of Friends You will Come Across Reviewed by Alade Taiwo on 10:17 Rating: 5

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