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you can avoid getting into any extra-marital affairs


In my previous post, I taught on how you can avoid getting into any extra-marital affairs in other to secure your home and I promised to give you some of the top reasons why most people jump into having affairs outside their marital home. Here is the post.

You would agree with me that the rate to which infidelity in marriages is rising is quiet alarming; irrespective of social status, background or location, people still feel shocked that their once happy home has turn to something else entirely all because of one party getting into extra-marital affair with opposite sex.

Most marriages start very well; the man is happy, the woman is also happy and as they bear children, they still lead a happy life; and all of a sudden, something went wrong obviously. Either of the couple begins to draw back from the relationship and if adequate care is not taken to find out the reason for their drawing back and proffer a solution, that peaceful home would be turned to pieces.

There was this man who lives around the neighborhood with his darling wife and kid. He was meeting with another woman outside within that same vicinity. The wife got to find out somehow and immediately, she took a bold step and told the man that they had to pack out from that environment. Her aim was to prevent the man from seeing the woman. They left to a far distant city and that was how this man stopped seeing the other woman.
IF you know what could be the reason why your partner cheats on you, you can as well find a lasting solution to it.
Yes, people do cheat on their spouses, but what could be the reason for taking such emotional risk? I will unveil most of these reasons to you now.

Primary Relationship is Void of Sexual Satisfaction
This happens to be the most common reasons why people delve into having extra-marital affairs. If a marriage is lacking that sexual satisfaction, either of the couple is bound to cheat on the other. Most men fall a prey of this. When the woman is not leaving up to her biddings sexually, he then feels he can get it elsewhere. Women also fall into this.
Married couples should not starve their spouse of sexual pleasure as this can possibly mar or make your relationship.

Hunger For More Sexual Pleasure and Satisfaction
Some persons can never be satisfied sexually. No matter the sexual pleasure they get from their marriage, they will still want more. And this can make them delve into extra-marital affairs for more sexual pleasure and satisfaction.
In my previous article, I made mention of getting yourself disciplined. The body needs sex because it is flesh but don’t jeopardize your marriage all in the name of wanting More Sex. You need to always put your body under subjection.

Emotional Attraction is Degrading
At first, couples are close and intimate, sharing their emotional feelings together, but as time goes by, this spark in them begin to decline and as such, one the couple is bound to fall out to having extra-marital affairs. Why, they need someone to always talk to about their feelings and emotions and if they are not getting it from their spouse, they may likely get it from someone else outside.
As a result of Emotional Decline

Fading love
Probably the couples have built their love on riches and wealth and when these are no longer there, the love begins to fade away and suddenly dies. When the love begins to fade away, you will notice one of the couple drawing back from the relationship. When a couple draws back from their relationship as a result of no love, they are more likely to look for that same love elsewhere.

Having a Revengeful Mindset
Some persons are just like that. They would want to hurt back their partner who had one time cheated on them. With this revengeful mindset, they are likely to go into extra-marital affairs just to get back on their partner.

The Never-ending Experiment
People would always want something new and different and in a bid to looking for it, they find themselves in extra-marital affairs.
This attitude is widely noticed in people who got married in their early life, say 20s. As they get older by the day, they feel the urge to get the pleasures they did not get in their early 20s.

Lacking the Adaptive Nature
Many times, life gives us what we don’t expect. Changes comes to us unexpectedly and so it is in marriages when couples don’t have that adaptive nature in them, they are likely to give up on their partner when some bigger and tougher challenges come to them. Instead of sticking with their partner, they find it easy to take it to someone else outside their marriage and this can eventually lead to extra-marital affairs in no time.

These are the top reasons why people delve into extra-marital affairs. Other reasons could be

  • Advancement in Career
  • Difficulties in finance
  • Difference in priorities
  • Difference in Values
  • Wrong reasons for getting married
  • Parenthood

Having seen and known these reasons now, you can rightly figure out how you can both help yourselves in your marriage so to avoid getting into extra-marital affairs

I hope you enjoyed reading this article. If you do, kindly drop your comments and don’t forget that sharing is caring.

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