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 According to the English dictionary, procrastination can be defined as an act of postponing, delaying duties, work, assignment(in the case of students) usually due to carelessness, laziness etc. From this definition, I guess the word procrastination is well understandable. As people will say "procrastination is a thief of time" yes! I agree with that. Procrastination has eaten deep into people lives. It has also rendered people jobless, wayward, dead etc

Procrastination has also made people loose opportunities and luck. Procrastination has also killed many people’s ambitions and goals. Also, procrastination works hand in hand with laziness, disobedience, carelessness and so on. I think you will also agree with me that laziness is a cause of procrastination. Yes! Especially in the lives of scholars. Laziness is more or less a disease which could be spiritual, psychological. Anyone who is lazy is bound to procrastinate (vice versa) which could lead to a person's downfall. Laziness kills seriously. When procrastination is done, failure is the end product. From this illustration, there is a chain for a lazy person which is


Furthermore, carelessness is also a reason for procrastinating in which people find it difficult to believe. When I mean carelessness, I mean carelessness to time, responsibilities etc. Also remember, when you are lazy, you will surely be careless and when you are careless, you will surely procrastinate, the end product of this chain is FAILURE. Some other causes of procrastination include disobedience, pride, and nonchalant attitude towards your responsibilities. Procrastination is also one of the problems affecting our political leaders in power. Effect of procrastination include Failure, Irrecoverable opportunity, Poverty, Shame etc Moreover, for any problem, there must be a solution.

Procrastination may be solved by:

Self determination: When a person is self determined to do his/her responsibility, etc without regretting or complaining, you will never postpone (procrastinate). You will feel self encourage, and we all know Encouragement links to success. When you are encouraged by someone, your efforts and skills will definitely be boosted to take you to the peak of your success.

Love: Loving your work is also an antidote to procrastination. Love for your responsibilities will boost you to make research for something new, authentic, and beneficial for your customers.


Hard Work: Doing the right thing at the right time can as well be an antidote to procrastination. Hard work is a shield against procrastination. My dear readers remember, procrastination leads to laziness, and they say "No food for a lazy man" and am sure you don’t want to go hungry. So I will infer that the end product of procrastination is DEATH. So please Beware of it!

compiled by Eddie Kelvin.
Procrastination Procrastination Reviewed by harry on 19:59 Rating: 5

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