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Tips On How To Improve Distance Relationship


Long ago and even up till now, 91% of people especially Africans strongly believe that distance relationship is worthless.Yes, I have agreed with them severally, i have come to realize that its a lie, read my lips "lie"..I know you would ask me how, yes! I would prove that to you later.

Regular communication, yes Communication!. Communication is one if not the major key/tip to improving any relationship either close or distance. Communication can be grouped either verbally or non verbally. Communication involves sending either text, pictures, voice notes, chatting on any social media platform and so on. Consistency in chatting will enhance the affinity between the lovers.

Also, the word UNDERSTANDING in any relationship will eradicate the boredom of distance relationship. As the rain boost the strength and growth of plant, so also understanding boost the joy and love in the relationship.

Also, the word UNDERSTANDING in any relationship will eradicate the boredom of distance relationship. As the rain boost the strength and growth of plant, so also understanding boost the joy and love in the relationship.

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Furthermore, knowing each other well in terms of behavior, weak point, bad/good behavior all termed under the noun "UNDERSTANDING" could be an antidote to the boredom in any distance relationship.

Furthermore, knowing each other well in terms of behavior, weak point, bad/good behavior all termed under the noun "UNDERSTANDING" could be an antidote to the boredom in any distance relationship.

Moreover, there is a saying which says "without law, there can't be peace" of course, I agree with that. Relating that to human life, "without love, there can't be any agreed relationship. From that proposed speech, I coin my third tip "LOVE" ...Love is an abstract feeling which is powerful..

Moreover, there is a saying which says "without law, there can't be peace" of course, I agree with that. Relating that to human life, "without love, there can't be any agreed relationship. From that proposed speech, I coin my third tip "LOVE" ...Love is an abstract feeling which is powerful..

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heart emoticonheart emotico
In addition, Trust also is another element for building a relationship. if the element "TRUST" is present, lovers or friend will surely have rest of mind for jealous lovers. Referring back to the love and trust which works hand in hand will hinder jealousy, hatred, fear of cheated, etc.
heart emoticon

heart emoticon

In a nutshell, I think my tips made a very funny word,I mean funny indeed, ask me what, what? good

CULT....*"laughing"* meaning
CULT....*"laughing"* meaning

C= Communication
C= Communication
U= Understanding
L= Love
T= Trust

Applying it will really convince you with the fact that distance relationship works

Applying it will really convince you with the fact that distance relationship works
Good luck!

Tips On How To Improve Distance Relationship Tips On How To Improve Distance Relationship Reviewed by harry on 19:43 Rating: 5


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