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why people fail in their career

Hmm this is a question everyone are questing for answer, but I Eddie will provide some answer to you.

Career should be something one should find his or herself doing either to make ends meet or so but some people will start well but will drop disastrously..why?

Laziness of course, laziness could be a disease in fact it is a disease not an ordinary disease but a communicable disease. This disease (laziness) has killed many people's career all over the world.. Laziness is a disease which pierces in through any part of the body either by the hand, mouth, eyes, nose, head etc straight to
the marrow and you know what that means. You may like to ask how laziness as a viral passes through the part of the body mentioned above. Yes it may be funny but it is real.

Must Read: How to be a Productive Person

Laziness Pierce into the hand through our various gadgets like laptops, Phones etc. For example if you are a graphic designer in a graphic workshop and you are to resume by 8:00am to satisfy your client's want but putting your time on playing games, surfing the social Media and so on.This virus can pierce through. According to research if anyone does something close to five times especially negative things, he/she is subjected to that particular thing. So I hope you would agree with my funny idea that laziness sharper than thorn pierces deep through human body to destroy careers, opportunities and so on.

Furthermore, Career is ones life doing field, this ones field can also be killed by ones negative thoughts.,negative thought in sense of condemnation saying bad things,also trying to decree negative words like "I KNOW I CAN'T WIN THIS AWARD", "I KNOW AT LAST I WON'T GET QUALIFIED" etc It is very bad, it is even sharper than laziness because even the holy book say so.Saying negative things is spiritual and works faster referring you back to the holy book in Numbers 14:28.Negative thought kills career so be ware of it.

Must Read: Overcome Procrastination

Also, humbleness improves oneself, pride kill 80% of people both the public figures, putting on a character of who you are not I.e faking lifestyle, one can even miss opportunities. Moreso, if you find yourself happy doing your job irrespective of the type,you would be self encouraged.

Finally Friends, read this, understand it and also apply it.

Love you all,never give up because no one knows tomorrow.
leave your comments and don't forget that sharing is caring

This post was compiled by Eddie Ndifreke Iniedu.
You can check out his profile on facebook, twitter Whatsapp no 09029349976


1 comment:

  1. Most people make the mistake of ruining their career with the negative words they speak; which is wrong

    We can always learn to speak well of ourselves even in hard times.

    Thanks eddie for this wonderful post.


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