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How To Compliment A woman

How To Compliment A woman

Have you ever as a man thought within you what women really want in a relationship? I know you might say, “They need money, clothes, shoes, jewelleries and all that”. You are quite right to think and say that way but there is more to just buying her all those things.

Showering a woman with all the physical needs is not really the intents of her heart. A woman wants a man who can always bless her with kind emotional words.

Complimenting your woman on what she has done shows how appreciative you are.
Compliments are good in ensuring a tight relationship and strong emotional love between the two lovers.

Girls love it when they are complimented and their hearts tend to melt whenever their men speak from their heart.
The problem in most relationship nowadays is that most men see compliment as referring to the physical aspects of the woman. Though, compliments could also go in that direction but it’s also important to compliment a woman based on her character.

Most women don’t find it serious when men compliment their physical appearance, they see it as flattery. You can compliment her inner attributes and characters.

Compliments though might look less important in the sight of men, but in the sight of women, it’s very important. So, men should fall in line.

Like i said before, your gifts are not too important. What’s the need of giving your girl-friend/wife a gift when you have not one day appreciated her? Take her on a night date, spoil her with enough goodies and don’t forget to compliment her beauty, her character and all about her that needs to be complimented.

You might as well be wondering what kind of compliments you can give your girl-friend/wife.
No need to worry, there are numerous compliments you can give a woman that would show how caring, loving and appreciative you are.

But i must say this, if the compliment is not going to come from your heart, don’t say it. It hurts. Don’t play with a woman’s feeling by giving her compliments that isn’t from your heart.
Here are some nice compliments to give to your girl-friend/wife.

1.      Among all that has happened, you are the best thing that ever happened to me
2.      You are so special to me
3.      You are so fantastic
4.      You are beautiful
5.      With you by my side am not afraid of taking decisions
6.      Am thrilled by the way you understand
7.      Among all the women I’ve seen, you are the brightest
8.      God knew that i would be weak and that’s why He gave you to me
9.      I respect the hand-work   of God, you know why? The way He designed you is amazing
10.   A life without you is worthless
11.   I couldn’t define the true meaning of love not until i met you
12.   The day i will stop loving you is the day you will find my tears in the ocean
13.   Your voice is so angelic
14.   My friends envy me because i have someone like you
15.   You deserve the best my love
16.   You are a precious jewel
17.   You are my top priority
18.   The way you reason is different from others. You are intelligent
19.   I will forever love you
20.   My life is complete because you became a part of it
21.   I am the luckiest man on earth
22.   You are the most adorable princess
23.   Am proud to show you to the world
24.   You are so compassionate
25.   Your smile gets me happy again
26.   When i look into your eyes, i see a life well spent with you
27.   God never made a mistake creating you
28.   Wow! Your hair looks awesome
29.   Darling i love the way you spoke at the meeting today
30.   With that smile on your face, i know my day will be great
31.   Since i met you, my life has been the best
32.   Wow! How did you do that?
33.   You always make me feel on top of the world
34.   Am proud to have someone like you by my side
35.   That dress looks perfect on you

Providing a woman with all that she needs is okay but in order to push the relationship ahead, you need to add more ‘spices’ and that is compliment.

Thanks for reading. Am sure there are still more compliments that need to be included, so don’t forget to drop them in the comment box.

Also remember that sharing is caring. Do well to subscribe to our blog posts.

Image Credit: askmen.com
How To Compliment A woman How To Compliment A woman Reviewed by harry on 19:53 Rating: 5


  1. Wow! These compliments swells my head.

    These are what every ideal man ought to be making use of.

  2. Thanks sandra.
    Do stay tuned for more interesting articles.

  3. Enter your comment...Ya dat nyc...women luvs compliment likewise d men also

  4. Thanks jubise for your comment.
    We do love to have you here next time.

  5. i av always known women to be moved by wat they hear and men moved by wat they see... nice one admin, i now av loads of compliments to tell my dearest each day #im so jotting all ur tips

  6. Yes you are right aust jacobite 'women are always moved by what they hear...'

    Men should learn words that will turn on their women-it's important.

    Thanks aust, we do love to have you here next time.

  7. Hello Harrison. You have touched a very vital area in a romantic relationship. Most Men today are sadly losing hold of their love because they have misconstrued the essentials the women desire.
    Like I said,you have touched a vital part of it. And I must add that this is a list of 35 Amazing compliments you've complied, this will sure sweep a lady off her feet.

    Nice work.

  8. Thanks Bisco.
    Your comments means a lot to me and we do love to have you here next time.


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