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Top Women Bloggers I Wish Could Be My Wife


Shiwnagi Shrivastava

Another Indian blogger who has taking the challenges in blogging and has toiled all days to make her blog rank Globally ( 686,455)

She is the owner of the blog pensitdown.com that shows you how passionate she is about blogging and writing articles "she commands her pen to sit down”. Wink…

You can follow her on Twitter https://mobile.twitter.com/pensitdown

I won't wonder what brings about the success of the few listed women bloggers and others who are yet to be on my list because I know the secrets behind their success in blogging! And that is hard work and strong determination which you can also do if you want to be great in whatever you do.
These women never run out in times of blogging challenges, they took the bull by the horn and today they are great you can do the same not only in blogging but in all adventure.

One more inspiring thing about these women is that they spend either time or money in order to get a good and well-done work (they are never lazy)
Now that am not fortunate to be their husband I think they will be my role model that will be OK by me.

Like I have stated above there are many women bloggers dominating the internet today but I only mentioned but few in my circle.

Did you have other great women bloggers in your circle that you cherish most? Please kindly comment below.

Top Women Bloggers I Wish Could Be My Wife Top Women Bloggers I Wish Could Be My Wife Reviewed by harry on 12:58 Rating: 5


  1. People's girlfriend or wife that you wish for. Nice content but the title..hmm.

  2. Thanks arinze for the nice suggestion.

    I shall look into that.

    We do love to have you here next time.

  3. I wish I am a girl, I would love to be like her

  4. I wish i am a girl, I would love to be like her

  5. They are so inspiring to me.
    Thanks emoge for the nice comments and we do hope to have you here next time.

  6. Cool. http://vinlandgists.blogspot.com


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