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Things to Avoid in Life to Attain the Climax of Success

success, heroes, making it in life

The mindset and our thoughts rules our world and physical man. A famous quote writer once said
 "You cannot be greater than yourself because it is you that is in you that make you the real you"

If you are the type that always have negative thoughts about your success journey in some occasions such as during examinations and other success tempered activities you should have noticed by now that failure has always been your lot. This is not because you planned it but because your mind has planned it and the physical man has taken the already
planned information from your mindset.

This is the major reason why you should always proclaim success in whatever you venture whether strong or easy. In doing this your mindset is passing a success information into the real man in you and courage will always come in leading to proposed success and leaving failure behind.

Even in the religious world you see that when you pray with doubt in your mind, it is certain that your prayer will not be heeded to and so also applied to our physical being ruled by our thoughts

There are certain things you must not do in life if you must attain the climax of success and among them, am going to list out but few and essential ones. Perhaps at the end of the post you will tell us more.

  1. Don't expect Perfection:
Life is all about mistakes and corrections. Sometimes, we quickly give up simply because we made a mistake either in our business, education, etc. thereby thinking we can no longer make it

A quote writer once said, “Success does not always roar, success is a quiet voice saying at the end of the day -I will try again tomorrow"
So if you make mistakes take it, figure the faults, fix them and try again. Bringing it to the blogging world, you will see that some bloggers applied for Google AdSense for more than 20 times before getting approval. But over this time there has been one mistakes or the other but despite that they never gave up rather they figured it out and fix it, then reapplied till they got approved.

My secondary school Principal once told us he failed for seven times during his school days and his parents were fed up about sponsoring his education, yet he was not tired but later on, life turned around because he was determined and he never stopped trying even after wasting good seven years.

  1. Don't focus on Only today:
Today is here yet it is gone, I once have a brother or rather a relative who never thought about tomorrow and to be sincere he is serious about his deeds not even trying to practice it.

When we were in school, after cooking, he demands we finish everything immediately standing on the fake thought of “Who knows what tomorrow will tell" whether you live or die. I tried to correct him in many occasions yet he played adamant.

We separated our cooking utensils and feeding items, he cooks his while I do likewise but after some months, hahahaha I began to see my guy roaming like a hungry lion who is looking for a prey to devour because he never thought about what will happen tomorrow but he just thought about today

The future is more crucial than today. Stop flexing away today to harm the future rather use today to repair a better future.

  1. That fake believe still have impact:
Stop believing you are going to be successful or great in life because you are a nice person but always try to work out your goals and make them come true.

Believing you will make it is never a ticket to success because even those who are failure once have the same believe like you. But those who are successful are those who work out a goal, walk through it and achieve the goal.

What is your goal now? Believe me it is just a dream if you can't work it out. You are a rich man in your dreams never make you rich in the physical world if you can't set goals to achieve your dreams.

  1. Stop comparing yourself to others:
Life is a per head like a Nigeria adage you are you while I am who I am. You have a calling while I have a calling. Your goals differs likewise mine, so I see no reason why we should have equal success.

Think round your world and try to focus on yourself. How weak were you in the past years? Have you any change this year?  If yes, accept the fact that success is coming your way instead of bombarding yourself with the thoughts of how your business client made it in just one year.

Let your meter only read your success and failure leaving others to whom they belong

Like I have mentioned above they are too many to be listed but each list is what you think about life and your present and past experience about life so we know you have more to tell us in our comment section. Please kindly unveil more success facts.
We love your comments!

 image credit: a57.foxnews

Things to Avoid in Life to Attain the Climax of Success Things to Avoid in Life to Attain the Climax of Success Reviewed by harry on 15:34 Rating: 5


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