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How Poor Or No Communication Destroys a Relationship

Communication is the key to an healthy relationship, it may be the relationship between lovers, between parents and children, between employer and employee and between friends.

Now, I will analyse the steps in which a poor communication destroys lovers relationship.

A. You just met each other, you tell your partner your pasts and your partner also tell you his/her own past.
There are always things to discuss about when you meet together.

B. You feel like there is nothing new to hear from your partner, you feel like your partner have told you all about him/her.

C. You don't call him/her again because you will surely end up with nothing to say.

D. Both of you decide to hook up, then there arise a misunderstanding between between the both of you just because you have both broken the chains of communication between yourselves, so, you don't understand your partner anymore and your partner doesn't understand you anymore.

E. You left the quarrel unfinished, then break up, or you both settled the quarrels, and still doesn't communicate with each other effectively and break up finally.

F. You both loose interest in the relationship, love waxes cold and then you break up with each other.

To avoid poor communication or no communication in a relationship.
Put this techniques into use...

 1. You don't have to be with your partner always, leave your partner sometimes to enjoy his/her friends company. Then, set up a time to talk about how you both spent your day.
 2. Make sure you always reply a text message being sent to you from your partner, if not immediately, but, make sure you reply your partner texts or call.
 3. Set up a time that is convenient for both of you to talk during the day or night, you both may even do midnight calls but, just make sure the time that is set for conversation is convenient for both of you.
 4. Create things to talk about: You can also create things to talk about, for example, you can both go to  a party, the cinema, game centres etc.
 5. Have mutual friends with your partner and set up a time when you all can talk together. This will even make a better topic for you and your partner to talk about when alone.
 6. Talk less, listen more: You should learn to listen to your partner, don't do all the talking as it may finally get boring.
Tell your partner about your day and also ask about his/her own day too.
 7. Get to know the hobbies of your partner, If she loves listening to music, talk about the Music Industry.
 8. Don't agree to what your partner tells you always: This may sound disastrous, but it isn't.
You can argue with each other about a view about something, you shouldn't take the argument seriously. Agreeing to your partner always makes a boring relationship and argument makes a fun conversation.
 9. Give her space sometimes : Sometimes, you have to make your partner miss you by giving her space. If he/she start missing you,there is tendency there would be a lot to gist for you in the next conversation.
10. At least, you should talk to each other twice per day apart from texting, you can text each other anytime.

Poor Communication Ruins a Relationship, If you both have misunderstanding, create time to talk.

I hope this techniques helps you build a strong and healthy communication in your relationship. 

Written by : Alade Taiwo.

How Poor Or No Communication Destroys a Relationship How Poor Or No Communication Destroys a Relationship Reviewed by Alade Taiwo on 13:59 Rating: 5

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