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How to Make People Respect You

You may be wondering why people don't respect you...
Why no one feels your presence whenever you walk into a room...
People may have no regards for you and even treat you like stepping on a doormat...but,
Be rest assured, it'll change if you read and put into practice the techniques in this post.. 

Have you ever noticed someone who is respected by people...
Whenever the person talks, people listen...
People dare not speak to him anyhow, not because they are afraid of him, but because he is respected...
To make people respect you, follow this TEN proven strategies...

1. Respect yourself :

If you don't respect yourself, obviously, you can't expect people to respect you...
How can you respect yourself???
A. You can respect yourself by having a mind that "you deserve respect from people"...
B. By not stepping on people's toes,
C. By not letting people to disrespect you...

2. Be a man of your word:
Let your YES means YES, and let your NO means NO... Say it confidently and don't change your mind unless you are left with no choice.

3. Do things to earn people respect :

Whenever someone needs help, give them a helping hand without collecting anything from them...

4. Fulfil your promise always :

People that breaks their promises to people are quick to be disrespected, if you can't afford to do something, don't promise anyone you'll do it...

5. Be responsible :

Take control of your life, don't wait for people to tell you to do something, do what's right... Don't wait for people to help you out, it's your life, so, help yourself out.

6. Let people know you're different:

Don't get so lost in the group of people so long that you forget YOURSELF, stand out. If your friends are bad people, let people know you that you're not bad, how can you make them know???
By not doing bad to them and by not supporting your friends that does bad...

7. Learn to mind your business :
A man that poke nose into other people's life is also quick to be disrespected...  I'm not saying you shouldn't be caring to other people, you can ask them things about their life, but, don't go too personal... If people share personal things about their life with you for counselling, you can counsel them but, don't try to know everything... People love to have their privacy at times...

8. Learn to talk less and talk only if you're asked to talk, you can just observe: 

If you're asked a question, make your reply friendly and short as possible.

9. Guide your reputation:
Don't ever do something that will spoil your reputation, a Man that has a bad reputation can never be respected, do good, but, don't do it because you want people to see you and start praising you, do good because 'it's good to be good"... (Smiles, I hope you understand my language there....)

10. Distant yourself from friends that get themselves disrespected by people:
If you're in the group of friends that are not respected by people, it obvious you won't be respected too... It's better you leave them unless you're their Leader, At least, Leaders don't get disrespected  😁😁😁😁...
If you put all those into practice you'll see how respect can earn you opportunities, even business opportunities...
I'm also TRYING to be a man of respect...  But, I've noticed this...

1. If you're in a group of friends in a specific place and people start insulting the friends, people will exclude you by saying "You're not among them oh, it's your friends am insulting, not you... THAT'S RESPECT.

2. If your group of friends needs something from someone, the person will give the thing to your group of friends because of you that have earned the respect, the person may even say it, "It's because of you, i gave them ooo" that's respect and that's POWER...

3. RESPECT leads to CHARISMA : A man that is respected would always want to be heard by people, let him walk into a place, people get anxious to know what he wants to say... THAT'S CHARISMA...

I'm trusting you that you're gonna put all those strategies into work, don't just read them, start doing them...
Don't forget, "A man that doesn't respect himself can never be respected by people "

Thanks for reading...

Written by Alade Taiwo... 
How to Make People Respect You How to Make People Respect You Reviewed by Alade Taiwo on 19:19 Rating: 5

1 comment:

  1. Wow! I love to share this article it'll be helpful to me and my pals... thanks adim


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