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Good Guys Vs Bad Boys, Who gets all the Girls.

Nothing hurts so much than finding out your girlfriend is cheating on you with another guy, you may start asking yourself, "Am I not caring enough?, What does this guy has that I don't have?, has this guy put my girlfriend under a spell? ", Yes, all this question will surely run through your mind, but, The truth is that "it is not that you are not caring enough towards her and it is not that the guy have more than you" it is just some of his attitude girls are attracted to, In fact, some girls can leave a rich and decent boyfriend for a poor and uncivilized boyfriend. 

Looking at this Bad Boys that get all the  Girls, there are some attitude they have in them that attracts girls that the nice guys don't have.

Before we go ahead and highlight the attitudes of the bad boys, I would love to clear your doubts about the good guys I am talking about.

Good Guys are group of guys that are not confident in themselves, Guys that will always ask for permission from their girlfriend before doing anything, guys that are not capable of defending themselves, Guys that will ask from girls, "can I kiss you" after being given many go ahead sign for a kiss, Guys that don't know when it is time to get out of a relationship, Guys that get disrespected by their girlfriends, Guys that pretends a lot, Guys that are afraid to talk to girls, Guys that end up being friend zoned by girls etc. 

You don't have to smoke to become a bad guy, nor you don't have to disrespect people to become a bad guy.
If you fall into the category of the "Nice guys", below are tips to help you become a bad guy.

10 Traits of Bad Guys. 

1. Confident

A bad guy is confident of himself, he talks, walks, stand and sit with confident, he is not the type that is scared of people, he gets his girlfriend out of trouble, his girlfriend feels safe with him because she knows he is capable of protecting her.

 2. Strong Self Will

A Bad guys No means No, same with Yes.

 3. Keeps his promise always

Whenever a bad guy promise you, he will fulfill his promise to you at all cost.

 4. Speak openly

A bad guy speaks his mind always, he is not scared of what people or his girlfriend may think of him after speaking, If you treat him in a way he does not like, he would say it right to your face that he doesn't like it.

 5. Responsibility

Bad boys don't run away from their responsibility, they don't wait for someone to tell them what to do, they don't allow other people to control their life.

 6. Bad Boys don't fit in

 Bad boys don't change for anyone, they are not anybody's side <i>chick<i>.
They don't join the crowds, they stand out.

 7. Bad Boys are Independent.

Bad Boys stand out and don't get so lost in the crowd to the extent of forgetting himself, He can stand alone, He doesn't rely too much on anyone.
Bad boys won't make you turn them to your slave because of love.

 8. Bad Boys Knows When it is Time to End an Unhealthy Relationship.

A bad boy does not wait for his girlfriend to break up with him, he uses his initiative and takes responsibility before his girlfriend, he does not have time for a shitty relationship, so he breaks up with you first.

 9. Bad Boys Knows When it is Time to Make a Move

Bad Boys don't ask for permission, they go ahead and kiss you when it seems the right time to them.

10. A Bad Boys Does His Things to Impress No One. 

A bad boy will always act according to his feelings, he doesn't care who is watching.

Those are the traits of the bad guys, you can also start putting some of it into practice, 

NB: You don't have to do bad things to become a bad boy.
You can start today, quit being a side chick and get all the Girls you want.
Don't forget, keep it calm, don't fret too much about being the bad guy.
Thanks for reading...
If you have any questions, feel free to ask them in the comment box below.

Written by Alade Taiwo
Good Guys Vs Bad Boys, Who gets all the Girls. Good Guys Vs Bad Boys, Who gets all the Girls. Reviewed by Alade Taiwo on 14:34 Rating: 5

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