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Making a Great Impact in Life...

What could be more painful than dying today and the world forgets you like you never existed? So, it is a shame if you don't leave a trace of you in this world after you are gone.

"Legends are remembered and never forgotten, poets write about them, singers sing about them, sculptors mould them and artists paint them. Legends can never be forgotten and they would always remain in the hearts of men.".

So, will you be remembered for good after you are gone? Would your Kids even be proud of you after you are gone? Meditate on that.

Legends died decades ago and their memories still live with us, the simple ones died years ago and you don't even remember they existed.
So, which path do you wish to tread upon?

The Keys to Making a Great Impact in the World

1. A good attitude

Your attitude is what will remain in people's heart when you are long gone out of this world.

The kind words you have spoken to people can't be forgotten, The charity you have showed to the poor cannot be forgotten, The hospitality you have showed to strangers can not be forgotten, The love you have showered to the people who are less privileged can never be erased from the hearts of men.

The moment you decide to start treating people well, then, you start embarking on the journey of making a great impact.

2. Courage :

Are you a man that gets freaked out when facing troubles, do you hide your face from hard tasks?, If you do so, you won't make an impact in this world, look at the past legends which memories still lives in our hearts, Most of them had an uncertain life, most of them had pursued unsure things in their life's but they never let fear stop them from acting, they believe good things that will last longer don't come by easily, They don't look for the easy and stress-free way to walk on, NO, they step out of their luxury, their comforts and chase their dream.

3. Perseverance

He who wants to make a great impact doesn't give up, Legends don't expect results and answers to come quickly, they persevere and never give up.

I see most adults, most of them could have been the legends of today, only if they had not given up on their dreams.

"If you feel like you can go on any longer, remember the reason why you had started the journey".

4. Study and Make Research

A man who does not put his brain into work, his brain would be dormant and its effectiveness would be reduced.

Times should not be wasted, we should spend quality times to study and make research, the legends who invented things decades ago, all what they invents are still with us today.

Study, make research and invent.

5. Be Unique :

Legends don't choose to do things the way it has been done before, they do things in new way, they improvise new techniques and new ways of doing things, they leave trends and create unique things.

You can have a mentor or a role model, but, don't let the limits of your mentor or role model be your limit, go beyond the limit of your role model and put your best in it to achieve a great result. To make an impact in the World,

Choose to do things in a new way and you will be remembered as an individual, go for the old and popular way and you will be remembered with the crowds. So, stand out, do your things in a UNIQUE WAY.

As you embark on the journey of making a Great impact, May God see you through.

Written by Alade Taiwo.
Making a Great Impact in Life... Making a Great Impact in Life... Reviewed by Alade Taiwo on 21:04 Rating: 5


  1. Hummm..

    Sincerely speaking, bro you are doing a great job here.

    "Making a Great Impact in Life"
    What a rich and priceless content.

    Keep it up boss. The sky is your starting point.

    1. Thanks Prince.

      We Do Love To Have You Here All The Time.


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