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How To Be A Productive Person

making plans in life

  • Stop waiting for a good condition before your start your work.

  • Turn your back on friends that do consume your energy and time doing worthless things.

  • Make a clear plan and just like Thomas Edison, follow strictly your daily plans.

  • Win the war between you and your bed. Getting up early is a sure step to becoming a productive person.  

  • Avoid multitasking yourself. Doing a few important work and doing it well is better than compiling different task and having none done well.

  • Do what you know you can at the given time. Like I said before, avoid tasking yourself with much work that will weigh you down along the way.

  • Avoid accepting every task just because you want to please people. Please yourself first.

  • Be physically fit. Do exercise as early in the morning and also take a walk around your vicinity. Regular exercise is good for the body. If you want to be productive, your body should be fit to carry out every productivity task.

“You dream. You plan. You reach. There will be obstacles. There will be doubters. There will be mistakes. But with hard work, with belief, with confidence and trust in yourself and those around you, there are no limits.” Michael Phelps.

  • Don’t underestimate the power of water. You get weak and won’t have the strength to achieve to accomplish more if there is less quantity of water in your body.

  • Make use of free time. You may sometimes have to board a taxi to your destination, this is a free time. You can make use of it very well by listening to motivational audios or podcasts, you could also choose this time to read a book that brings out the best in you.

How To Be A Productive Person How To Be A Productive Person Reviewed by harry on 15:25 Rating: 5

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