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Before A New Relationship, Consider These Questions

Before A New Relationship, Consider These Questions
Am i Ready for a new date?

We all in one point in time have been hurt deeply by those that we love…it feels bad to be heart-broken and the burden is such that no one would want to carry. Relationship break-ups is just like a deep injury in the body, very painful but with time it’s going to heal and you’ll continue with your normal activities
. Before the body injury gets healed, you must have to do some things like taking medical treatment and all that, same also applies to any broken relationship, before the injury of it gets healed, you need to do some things to get it healed quickly and this depends on how you want the injury to last.

Life goes on no matter what happens. You faced the sad moment of your life and now the tears are getting dry gradually and there is every need to move on with your life and make something meaningful out of it. In trying to pick your broken life together, you sure don’t want to make the same mistakes you once did in the past. Nobody wants to pass through heart-breaks the second time and that is why you need to be extra careful this time around so as to avoid getting into the wrong relationship with the wrong person. I have come to understand that most persons are not sensitive enough to know when their relationship is about collapsing and when it eventually collapses, they are left in bitterness and pains.

When break-ups and heart-breaks occur, some persons feel that the world has come upon them and they feel like giving up on themselves; this is very wrong. . Challenges are made to make you become a better and a stronger person. You need to face it to know what’s really good for you. There is never a smooth road; we walk through the rough road to get over to the other side that is smooth. Remember, there is never a success that has never recorded failure. What am I saying here, whenever break-ups occur, you need to make up your mind that it’s going to be fine in no time and with your own determination and strong spirit, it’s definitely going to work out just fine. Break-up is not meant to lock you up indoors, weeping and wailing; it’s meant to awaken you to go out and get into the one that’s good for you.

When your favorite item is broken, you would want to do anything to get it fixed and back for use. If you heart is broken you need to fix it fast and get it functioning again. And how would this be possible? It would only be possible if you are ready to take the risk.

If you must find the right person for you, be on a dating site or anywhere, you need to free your heart from the trauma of your past relationship and this demand taking risk… in taking risk, you need braveness and determination.

Ask yourself this few questions and if you are able to get them answered truthfully, then be sure that you are fully ready to find yourself into a new relationship and probably better than the former.

Am I Pressurized?
You know during break-ups, you are going to come across your friends who would be asking, ‘hey, don’t you wanna get into a new date?’ family members would also come up and you would be the centre of their discussion. They would want you to get into a new date as quick as possible. Do not allow them to push you into getting into any relationship when you are not ready for it. When it comes to relationship, you know what’s good for you, so follow that. Don’t be pressurized by your friends or families if not you may end up in another heart-break. Take your time and make sure that your heart is settled.

Am I confident and independent?
Self confident and independence helps you in making decisions that are of you own interest. That you once failed before does not make you a failure forever; you can still rise up and take the challenge this time. You need to be confident that there is always a better opportunity in life. Remember, a bird that flies down will one day also rise up again. If you are not confident of whom you are, don’t dream of getting into a new date, you’d end up hurting yourself the more. Take a decision to become independent. When you are independent, you would no longer allow people-family or friends-to control your relationship. Been independent also entails that you have your own freedom and say when you eventually get into a new relationship.

Am I Still Bitter in Heart?
When break-ups occur, we feel so bitter about our ex, but been bitter won’t solve the problem, it rather adds more pains to you. It’s normal to be angry with them, but that won’t lead you to the next phase in your life. it will rather prevent you from seeing better opportunities in life. All you just need to do is to take the break-up as a lesson to learn from. Its better it happen so that you can learn important things about relationships. If you are still in your bitter state, you can’t possibly get into a new relationship. Erase those sad times off your heart and move on. Remember, hatred (bitterness) is a burden which is to heavy to bear.

You would never know what’s on the other side not until you take a walk there. You would never know the relationship that’s best for you until you take a walk of faith. Gather up your broken hearts, mend it and then move on as there is hope of a better relationship awaiting you.
Before A New Relationship, Consider These Questions Before A New Relationship, Consider These Questions Reviewed by harry on 22:49 Rating: 5

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