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Story: Cloudy and Sunny Skies... Chapter 1.

Author : Alade Taiwo

Chapter One

It was a great day for the family of The Smith, as they welcome a new baby girl, Jenny in their midst. The Smith family is a family of three, Paul, Gloria and Jenny. One would have thought the Family was a peaceful one while watching the way Paul and Gloria relates with each other, The house was always full of unending dramas, physical combats between Mr and Mrs Smith, abusive words, The Smith house is just a house no one could wish for himself.

‘Oh, this couple are so lovely, can you see the way they treat themselves,' Said Margaret, ’how I wish I could have an happy home like this,' all of a sudden, Margaret felt the tap of someone on her shoulder, the person laughed hysterically and said, ’The couples are pretending, if you see how they fight themselves, you will even thank God for your family,' Margaret was very surprised, ‘’So human could be cunning as this," she said as she leave for home.


Alarm blaring, immediately, Jenny rose up from the bed and walks like a drunk to the kitchen to light a candle. Then, she sat down on her bed with her feet widely speed on the ground, then she started thinking about what had happened the previous day, how her Dad raised his hand to slap her Mom right in the front of her.

Tears like drops of water roll down her cheeks as she mumbled some words to herself, ‘’ I wish I was not born into this family, I wish I could have a loving parents who would care for me."

She was brought back from the world of imagination by her mobile phone which beep for an incoming text message’.
She wiped her tears then started preparing herself for the new day.

Jenny is just a young girl with a striking beauty, she is the type of girl that guys would not want to take off their eyes from, She is as pretty as her Mother.

She works as a sales representative at a super market shop closer to her house, her boss was so kind to her,

‘Why are you moody this morning?’,Jenny's Boss asked.
Jenny said, "Nothing," Jenny is fond of being discreet, she always find an excuse whenever her boss ask her what is happening to her.

It was almost 12noon, when a customer walks up to Jenny to buy some candies for himself, as the man walk in, he greeted Jenny who was lost in her thought, he greeted her again and he got no reply, them the man took got furious and started abusing Jenny for being disrespectful to him and not answering his greetings, he also said he won't buy anything in the supermarket again.

Then, Jenny's Boss walked in and asked what happened, the Man explained to him what had happened, then Jenny's Boss apologized to him on Jenny's behalf and Jenny also apologized.
After the man had walked through the door, Jenny's Boss, Michael asked for an explanation from her, but she was not able to say anything, which gave her no choice to take than to tell her boss about her predicament.
After explaining everything to him, her Boss felt for her and told her to endure it for the main time.

Customer were seen trooping in and out of the supermarket where Jenny works, she has not even a time to think about her predicament, I guess her Boss words had make an impact on her, It was getting darker, then Jenny leaved for home.

It was a Saturday, Jenny does not go to work on Saturday, Even without her alarm, she woke up the time she do wake up when going to work.
She pick her pen and started writing some words on a hard cover book with many pages, if someone sees her as she was writing with a charming smile on her face, one could wonder what is making her smiling as she write.

Music is one of Jenny's favourite, Music makes her feel whole, it makes her mind refreshed, "I love my life", Jenny sings as she tap her head to the rock and roll music.

‘’Why is Jenny making noise so early by this time of the day?" Gloria said, as she approach Jenny's rooms.
"Jenny, Can I come in? "
Jenny answered ‘’Come in MA," Jenny was surprised to see her mother come over to her room, ‘’Is there any problem?‘’, Jenny asked. Her mother stood there dumbfounded then she walks over to Jenny to embrace her and lingered for some seconds as Gloria mumbled some words, "I am sorry dear, everything will be alright". Then, she left her room.

It is Monday morning, Jenny is set for work, then she got out with her headphones in her ear in the loudest volume, midst the unsaid words of agony and sorrows inside of her, she sang like someone that has got nothing to worry about. She said to herself, "If no one is to worry about me, I have to worry about my life", she said as she listens to Demarco's music titled *I love my life*, her favourite music.

One faithful day, her father called her, "Jenny, come over to my room," She was afraid as she mumbled to herself, "have I done anything wrong?."

She opened the door, her Dad who was in the bathroom said, "I am coming Jenny, have your seat and wait for me".

"I am ready for whatever he is going to say". Jenny mumbling to herself.

Jenny, I called you here to discuss something important with you. Your mum and I have discussed and we have decided to be on a good terms with ourselves, I was very touched when I heard your voice crying in the room some days ago and I felt I and your Mom are really giving you a hard time, Jenny, accept our apologies, She could not believe her ears at first, she stood there dumbfounded, "Dad, are you saying, there won't be any quarrel between you and Mom again," Paul nodded in affirmation.

Jenny and her Dad embraced themselves ,while a tears of joy rolled down her cheeks. She walked over to her room and sat on her bed with great happiness, she said something to herself, "I am indeed a lucky girl".

From that day, Smith family had been peaceful, her parents started taking care of her, she started getting the benefits which people gets from their parents. Many neighbour were now envying Jenny's parents saying, "God is so great in the way he does his things".

Jenny's dream since childhood has always been to study at higher institution, become a world known singer so she thought it is now the best time to tell her parents about the plan she has got for her future, so she went over to her parent in the room as there were about to sleep, "Dad, Mom, I will love to go to higher institution to further my education", Paul and Gloria were happy to hear that from her, so they promised her to send her school and do anything else she want again.

It was like a dream for Jenny to believe, her wishes are coming to pass, to further her education and also to venture into music. "I am a lucky girl", Jenny said as she dozed off.

*To be continued**

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Story: Cloudy and Sunny Skies... Chapter 1. Story: Cloudy and Sunny Skies... Chapter 1. Reviewed by Alade Taiwo on 14:50 Rating: 5


  1. Hey Harsh!
    Nicely written up. As a new learner I must say your article will help a lot to understand the things quickly. Great article indeed.


    1. thanks
      you can check out the next chapter which has been published already


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