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Do you wonder why fishes don't go for classes to learn how to swim or why birds fly without much hassle. The answer is not far-fetched. It is Purpose.

Purpose has been a subject of debate globally and locally with many views on how to discover, nurture and blossom one's purpose having divergent and contradicting form's and meaning. Today, you have come in contact with this article your purpose for existence will be laced with clarity as you meditate on my word's.
Myles Munroe one of the great men of influence that once walked the surface of this earth explain's purpose as the original intent of a thing or somebody. "Purpose is the original intent of a thing" Myles Munroe. This means everything created was for a purpose and to accomplish specific tasks, this means we're wired to function in a particular way, follow a particular career, solve a particular problem etc.
He further said "Whenever Purpose is not known abuse become inevitable" meaning the reason why people suffer non-fulfilement in life is because they lack purpose.

There is one simple way to know and understand your purpose and that can come through divine revelation. Let's talk about John the Baptist in the Bible, he fulfilled purpose because of divine revelation. (John 1:22-23). When he was asked the question:

Who are you?

He described himself based on what he knew by revelation to be his divine Purpose on earth. If you fail to connect with your creator to understand your divine purpose, your mission on earth won't be accomplished. We all have a mission to accomplish.

John's mission was to make a way for the Messiah.

Your Purpose can be found through divine revelation and it is tied to your gifts and talents, that which you do with so much easy and passionate about is your purpose.

John's gift was Evangelism.

What are your own gifts?

This is the chain process of Purpose discovery.

 ·         Divine Revelation
·         Listen To Your Gift
·         Listen To Your Passion
·         Listen To Others

- Divine Revelation
This comes when we go back to our maker often times described as the point of decision on the path to follow (Luke 22:42) describes this moment. If you fail to push on due to the many challenges of Life, Failures and rejection. You might lose the real essence for being alive. You must be Christ like, who did not only Father say let this cup pass over me but accommodated  the will of his Father.

Listen To Your Gifts
Have you ever considered your talents and gifts? They might be all you need for purpose recovery. Are you a strategic thinker? A great listener? Can you motivate others with your words? Are you skilled at building things? Do you love teenagers? I suggest you make s list of things and activities that interest you in which you want to excel in next year. Our gifts are like seeds planted inside of you, but for them to grow we have to use them.

Listen To Your Passion.
I get fired up about the godless condition of the world. When i hear about little children being molested, i get angry. Helping teenagers and youths get relevance, march their dreams to reality stirs me up. Infact it is my innate desire to impact my generation. These are what am passionate about and hope to accomplish using my gifts. If I could ask what makes you angry, joyful ,excited or passionate, what would you say?

Your gift coupled with your passion points towards your God given Purpose.

Listen To Others
Not every idea is a God idea  I think i read that from one of John Mason's book but sometimes we have to listen to every good idea that comes to us more especially when they agree with our gifts and passion, our internal conviction and what God has already revealed to us, it can be a solid indication of our God given Purpose.

Lastly consider that the discovery and nurturing of your Purpose is not just about you but about what God wants to do through you. Therefore if you ignore or neglect your divine revelation, gifts, passion and what others say about you. You are not only betraying yourself but God because he has called you to a purpose and wants you to walk in it for others and for your own joy.

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